Virtual-The Network's SGForum 2020

Virtual-The Network's SGForum 2020
Thursday, November 19, 2020 (1:00 PM - 5:00 PM) (CST)
For its second year, SGForum will bring young professionals from the Springfield area together to engage in community, personal and professional development through this summit-style event. The day will end with a virtual after party to celebrate Springfield young professionals and those young at heart!
The Network is all about telling and showing the stories of why YPs love living in SGF, and when we all come together with our unique stories and perspectives, we create one, large, amazing picture of our community!
Please note, we will only be permitting sponsors to send a small number of people to attend the event in-person; we will be making the event available to everyone virtually via a live stream. Lunch will not be served, so we will start at 1 p.m. and try to wrap up around 4:15, with a virtual afterparty to follow. There will be no cost to watch the event virtually. Check out the link below to watch the live stream!
So join us on November 19 and be a part of the story.
325 Park Central East
Springfield, MO 65806 United States